What Veterans Day Means to Me
Essay submitted by Colin, 5th Grade, Millersburg, OH
This is what Veterans Day means to me. It is a time of celebrating the men and women that have served and are serving in the military. It is also a time to respect the people that served and the people that were injured. The reason we need to respect them is because they fought for our country, gave us freedom and put their lives on the line for our country.
Veterans are also very special people because it takes a brave person to fight in a war or serve for the military. Many also have to get shipped away from their family and have to do very hard work, which would not be easy.
I would not want to be in the military, but I’m thankful that there are people that want to. So, this is what Veteran’s Day means to me.
Thank you, Colin, for honoring Veterans with your essay. -Made in USA Brand